Page Abstract

1. Main
The main page of this blog. You are here. Page that collects photos from our plants collection(mainly orchids) that are flowering at the posted time.

2. About TBV
Introduction of TBV and Bera district (where TBV is)

3. About Pahang
Anything about the state of Pahang, such as interesting places to visit, activities of the population and many more.

4. Diseases
Share about the common diseases always occur to your orchid in the tropical climate.

5. Fungicide
The type of fungicide available in Malaysia to treat the plant's diseases.

6. Pesticide
The type of pesticide available in Malaysia to treat the plant's pest.

7. Fertilizer
The fertilizers that we use for our plants.

8. Nature
Any photo about the beauty of the nature in Malaysia from our view. They are may about the tree, waterfall or animal.

9. Insect
The page that collects my photo from macro shoot. Subject are all kind of insects found around my garden.

10. Scene
The page that collects all photo taken by my intuitive, something that caught my attention suddenly.

Nak belajar tanam Orkid? Dapatkan buku hebat ini :)

Nak belajar tanam Orkid? Dapatkan buku hebat ini :)
Ia ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman penulis sendiri. Boleh dibeli di Karangkraf Mall secara online ya. :)

Bab Bonus

Buku ini juga membincangkan mengenai perladangan Vanila di Malaysia di dalam Bab Bonus. Penulis memberi pandangannya mengenai permasalahan yang perlu diatasi sebelum melakukan pelaburan di dalam perladangan Vanila di Malaysia.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blooming SYAWAL part 1

Clowesetum Black Jade berbunga lagi di TBV.

Cattleya Natasiri Fireball X Tholspot... warna coklat yang menarik, 'waxy' dan wangi.
Phal mini yang hampir mati...tetapi berjaya dipulihkan.

Cattleya Sogo Doll..5 kuntum dalam satu tangkai.

Blc . Robert Good News.. orkid kesukaan mak aku..sebab bunga yang besar dan bau wangi yang kuat.

Tak perlu diberitahu lagi IDnya.
Cattelya Don Hermann... 'free flowering' .. dan sungguh rajin berbunga.

Dendrobium statiotes..... spesis.

Tak tahu ID. Pemberiam Otai orkid daripada Shah Alam.

Lupa gak IDnya.

Lain lain penyeri

Alocasia ni dah lama ... dari 2 3 daun dah menjadi dekat 10 helai daun dah.. ada gak orang kampung datang mintak beli..opssss Not For Sale...
Water lily ni juga akan mula menjadi koleksi baru aku... baru ada 3 jenis...

Adenium from TBV

Ni le 2 pokok Adenium yang telah berjaya dibonsaikan... batang yang gemuk dan dahan yang banyak cabang.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Pisang Berdarah!

Akhirnya pencarian aku terhadap pokok pisang ini telah berjaya. Aku memperolehi daripada Kak Esah, tuan punya nurseri Exotic Matahari.. Otai Kemboja Malaysia.

Di Malaysia terkenal dengan nama Pisang Berdarah ( Musa acuminata ) kerana tompokan warna merah darah pada daunnya.

Pisang berdarah bakal menjadi 'penyambut tetamu' di pintu masuk ke TBV.

Aku masih mencari lagi sejenis pisang hiasan.. daunnya bertompok putih-hijau.. memang cantik sungguh... Kak Esah.. ehem ehem ehem... :)

Blooming wild Hoya in-situ

Found it at Lata Lembik waterfall. ID please.

Lata Lembik Waterfall : Another GREEN story!

This waterfall located at Ulu Sungai, Pahang. 40 km from Raub towards an alternative road to Kelantan. The villagers told me that this waterfall also a foothill of Cameron Higland.

Very GREEN view, nice waterfall, unique stone structure and so and so and so la...

Lata Lembik waterfall stream inspired me to develop an artificial waterfall at TBV..and don't know when the dream become true...why? As you know...always RM- RM- RM -RM -RM..

Blooming Hibiscus

Another collection item from TBV. Anyone can give me the ID much appreciated.